What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture focuses on energy, or Qi, instead of the biological and chemical processes of the human body. This is probably the largest distinction between Oriental and Western medicine. To generate this energy in patients, acupuncturists use tools not commonly found in Western medicine. The most well-known tool is, of course, needles, but acupuncturists also use cups and ear balls, among other things. The theory is that energy flows through certain meridians, or pathways, in the body and corresponds to certain internal organs or body parts. The role of an acupuncturist is to assist in re-balancing that energy flow so the body can repair itself.
Ready to learn more? Book an appointment today!What to Expect Before Your Session
What To Expect Before Your Session
Due to COVID-19, we are offering a free 20-minute initial telephone consultation prior to your appointment. Simply call us at (612) 259-7220 to schedule this consultation. This is not required but is intended to help ensure the safety and well-being of our patients – especially those that are a part of the highly at-risk community. For those who are simply interested in acupuncture and have no significant health problems please feel free to book an appointment using our online booking today!
What to Expect After Your Session
Treatment with acupuncture results in a broad range of outcomes from physical and emotional change through to wider benefits involving lifestyle, outlook, and attitude toward your personal health. Many patients experience holistic benefits from acupuncture, an outcome that could be described as holism-in-action.
Acupuncture Pricing
All prices are subject to change with or without notice, and promotions are offered at various times throughout the year. Also, note that ‘Earthing Mat Grounding’ and ‘Mei Zen Cosmetic’ acupuncture services are specialized services that may add an additional cost.
Service | Price | Duration |
Initial Visit | $120 | 90 Minutes |
Follow-up | $85 | 60 Minutes |
Acupuncture + 30 min Cupping | $105 | 90 Minutes |
Package of 5 | $382 | 60 Minutes x 5 |
Package of 10 | $722 | 60 Minutes x 10 |